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Groningers About Gas Extraction Survey Acknowledgment But What Will Happen Now


In silence, about fifty people in De Leeuw village hall in Garmerwolde watch the presentation of the report on Gas extraction in Groningen Suddenly it is enough for Harmien from Oosterwijtwerd.

"Those people from The Hague They all said during the survey that they don't remember or don't want to say it.

It's damned," she whispers She doesn't finish her sentence, but the message is clear.

Apart from that one moment, she looks emotionlessly at the presentation of the committee of inquiry "Of course it is too crazy for words.

But I am beaten down At a certain point you no longer look at a crack more or less.

" There are large cracks in the chimney of Harmien's house, caused by earthquakes The cracks must be repaired, but there is no clarity.

The chimneys at the neighbors have already been repaired Why is unclear.

Chairperson on gas extraction: 'Groningen's interests have been ignored' When the conclusions of the parliamentary inquiry are clear, Sirina Scheppers walks out She lights a cigarette.

"Let's get the emotions out," she sighs Together with her stepfather, she bought an Oldambtster farm in Veendam twelve years ago.

"It was in very good condition, but after the earthquake in 2012 it deteriorated enormously It has cracks that fit a fist.

" The farm has to be demolished, but a fierce battle is raging over what will come in return "We are going from a farm to a rabbit hutch," mutters Scheppers' father Jan Bultje.

Both suffer from physical complaints due to the years of stress caused by the earthquake damage The conclusions of the committee of inquiry confirm what Scheppers has been saying for "for years".

But she does not expect any improvement in the handling of claims "We have already had so many promises.

First see, then believe " Inside the village hall, Ingrid Verbeek and Bert Schudde talk to each other.

Verbeek comes from Loppersum, Schudde from Westeremden They don't know each other, but have encountered each other in their years of searching for clarity about the reinforcement of their houses.

For Verbeek, the report provides "recognition" "But the worst is yet to come: what will happen now? It won't just be solved," she says.

Schudde compares it to a funeral " You are not satisfied with that.

But it is necessary and it helps " Verbeek is not satisfied with the outcome of the parliamentary inquiry.

"After all those years in the shit it is almost impossible to be satisfied ".

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